Mesin Pencari Otomatis Rossi

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

ASTAGA.COM LIFESTYLE ON THE NET. support by tips,tricks,articles lifestyle on the net. merupakan portal yang menyajikan banyak hal kepada para pengunjung, yang mana pengunjung diharapkan untuk betah berlama-lama membuka dan membaca isi dari website Isinya pun juga sangat berkualitas, diantaranya berita-berita terhangat tentang situasi sekarang,tentunya yang Up to date.Selain berita terhangat, astaga .com juga menyajikan berbagai hal mengenai gaya hidup dalam dunia internet, diantaranya sommunity dengan 7 CIRCLE, gossip artis,fasilitas chatting,konsultasi kesehatan serta informasi seputar gaya hidup (lifestyle) sekarang ini, tentunya semua disajikan untuk memanjakan para pengunjung net-ter atau pembaca agar betah berlama-lama mengunjungi atau embaca portal , ini semua karena lifestyle on the net masa kini. lifestyle on the net. kalau membaca rangkaian kata itu tentunya para pembaca sudah tau bahwa arti dalam bahasai kita adalah GAYA HIDUP INTERNET DENGAN ASTAGA.COM. dan berbicara gaya hidup, tentunya sangat luas artinya dan mungkin berbeda dalam persepsi gaya hidup diantara kita. Tapi disini tidak membahas perbedaan persepsi, melainkan memberi informasi kepada netter bahwa di menyajikan banyak hal tentang gaya hidup dengan media internet.tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa internet sekarang merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dan bukan sesuatau yang mewah.

Berbicara gaya hidup tentunya juga akan berbicara sumber informasi dimana kita bisa mengetahui trend gaya hidup sekarang ini, dan salah satu sumber rujukan itu adalah , siapa yang tidak kenal kenal lifestyle on the net, karena merupakan portal yang sangat terkenal di negara kita yaitu indonesia. Banyak hal yang diperoleh disitu tentang info gaya hidup seperti yang sudah saya sebutkan diatas.
Portal membuktikan bahwa tidak salah para pengunjung untuk mencari informasi gaya hidup, khususnya masyarakat indonesia. Karena disitu juga tersedia sangat banyak artikel mengenai gaya hidup (lifestyle) yang akan memberikan masukan kepada pengunjung, sehingga dalam merubah gaya hidup kita dapat mempertimbangkannya dari setiap aspek dengan me-riview lagi artikel di
Selain iformasi gaya hidup diatas serta tempat konsultasi kesehatan, yang merupakan lifestyle on the net, juga banyak menyajikan banyak informasi seputar perkembangan gadget,otomotif,gosip,tehnologi,zodiak,kuliner,musik,film dan masih banyak lagi informasi yang tidak bisa saya sebutkan semuanya. Pasti tidak rugi jika kalian bergabung dan berlama-lama di portal karena lifestyle on the net.
Tidak lupa saya informasikan juga para blogger dan para penggila SEO bahwa di diadakan KOntes SEO yang bertema : lifestyle on the net .Segera gabung biara tidak ketinggalan meramaikan konte SEO untuk menjadi yang terbaik dalam kontes ini.

Salam Blogger
My profil: Andi Malik Rossi darmawan, itulah nama panjangku, dan biasa dipanggil "ROSSI" asliku PONOROGO, saya adalah seorang BLOGGER pemula yang memulai mencoba terjun di dunia Blog bulan Maret 2009 , bergaya hidup (LIFE STYLE) sederhana, dan kebetulan penghobi Blog
Tujuan membuat BLOG adalah mencoba mengasah kemampuan saya dalam dunia blogging, ingin mengerti internet nettwork lifestyle, memahami ilmu IT (INTERNET) serta kemampuan dalam hal SEO. tentunya dengan mengikuti gaya hidup (lifestyle) para blogger lainnya on the net. Blog ini sendiri bukan sebuah Blog yang berisi tentang bisnis, akan tetapi Blog ini berisi tentang atikel, wacana, tutorial,tip,trik, yang bertujuan pemberitahuan pada pembaca untuk menambah wacana dunia online,Blog,internet,komputer, sehingga bisa menambah masukan tentang gaya hidup di internet atau dengan kata lain lifestyle on the net.
by TIPS,TRICK,ARTICLES lifestyle on the net


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Kerja Keras adalah Energi Kita (Hard Work is Our Energy) Seri-2 , KONVERSI MINYAK TANAH KE LPG

Kerja Keras adalah Energi Kita (Hard Work is Our Energy) Seri-2 , KONVERSI MINYAK TANAH KE LPG

Kerja Keras adalah Energi Kita (Hard Work is Our Energy) , Pertamina yang mulai menunjukkan eksistensinya dengan kerja keras, yang saat ini banyak kritikan dan krisis kepercayaan dari masyarakat dengan kinerjanya yang diakibatkan kebijakan-kebijakan Pertamina yang belum berjalan dengan semestinya,salah satu kebijakan adalah konversi minyak tanah ke Gas LPG. Dengan mengusung tema Kerja Keras Adalah Energi Kita (Hard Work is Our Energy) berharap Pertamina dapat memperbaiki kepercayaan kembali dari masyarakat Indonesia dan mulai membenahi kinerjanya.

Adapun lanjutan artikel harapan KERJA KERAS ADALAH ENERGI KITA (Hard Work is Our Energy) seri-2 ini, yang ditulis dengan Kerja keras adalah sebuah harapan kepada pertamina
Pertamina yang saat ini sedang gencar bekerja keras untuk mensukseskan program KONVERSI minyak tanah ke Gas LPG, diharapkan dapat sukses dalam melaksanakan programnya. Sehingga dapat menata kembali dan mencukupi kebutuhan masyarakat akan gas LPG yang mana sebelumya masyarakat mengkonsumsi minyak tanah.Dengan terpenuhinya kebutuhan masyarakat untuk menggantikan minyak tanah menjadi gas LPG, menunjukkan Pertamina berhasil dalam melaksanakan programnya, sehingga secara tidak langsung pertamina juga membantu mensukseskan rencana pemerintah dalam mengurangi subsidi minyak bagi masyarakat, dan secara otomatis krisis kepercayaan kepada pertamina pun akan segera terhapus dan masyarakat dapat kembali merasakan ketenangan terhadap kebutuhan pengganti minyak tanah yaitu gas LPG,karena tidak bisa dipungkiri sukses tidaknya program ini akan berimbas terhadap kebutuhan yang sangat vital bagi masyarakat, yang bila mana kebutuhan gas LPG untuk masyarakat sedikit bermasalah akan berimbas sangat besar dalam kehidupan ekonominya.
Semoga dengan tema Kerja Keras Adalah Energi Kita (Hard Work is Our Energy) menjadi cambuk pertamina dalam melaksanakan program ini, sehingga dengan suksesnya program ini diharapkan Pertamina dapat melaksanakan program-program selanjutnya, yang diantaranya ekspor minyak tanah, dengan suksesnya program konversi minyak tanah ke gas LPG ini secara otomatis subsidi minyak kepada masyarakat dapat diminimalkan sehingga program ekspor minyak tanah segera bisa lebih ditingkatkan.Dengan suksesnya ekspor minyak tanah Pertamina dapat membantu pemerintah dalam meningkatkan pendapatan devisa negara. Suksesnya pertamina akan program ini berarti suksesnya pemerintah dalam menjalankan program kebijakan minyak. Dengan kerja keras pertamina cukup kiranya berhasil melaksanakan program ini, dan didukung oleh tenaga-tenaga yang ahli pada bidangnya,serta karyawan dan staf yang cukup berkompeten, sangatlah mungkin pertamina berhasil dalam melaksanakan programnya, sehingga negara kita bisa lebih ber-energi dan menuju negara yang sejahtera serta meningkatnya taraf ekonomi masyarakat seluruhnya.
Begitupun diri kita, tanpa kerja keras tidak akan mungkin cita-cita atau keinginan akan dapat terwujud, sehingga diharapkan tema Kerja Keras Adalah Energi kita
(Hard Work is Our Energy) tidak hanya baerlaku untuk Pertamina saja ,akan tetapi ditanamkan juga pada diri kita masing-masing, sehingga kesejahteraan kita terutama dari sektor ekonomi akan menjadi lebih baik.Dengan meningkatnya kesejahteraan, berarti juga secara tidak langsung membantu pertamina dan pemerintah untuk meringankan subsidi minyak dan Gas untuk dikonsumsi masyarakat Indonesia.
Semoga Pertamina Berhasil meningkatkan kinerjanya,semoga Pertamina berhasil dalam program konversi minyak tanah ke Gas LPG sehingga kebutuhan minyak dan Gas untuk masyarakat dapat terpenuhi, semoga juga ini menjadi awal untuk Negara Indonesia Sejahtera.

Maju terus Pertamina, semoga tema Kerja Keras Adalah Energi Kita
(Hard Work is Our Energy) merupakan awal keberhasilan Pertamina dan semoga Pertamina lebih ber-Energi dan PASTI PAS!!

Salam Blogger
My profil: Andi Malik Rossi darmawan, itulah nama panjangku, dan biasa dipanggil "ROSSI" asliku PONOROGO, saya adalah seorang BLOGGER pemula yang memulai mencoba terjun di dunia Blog bulan Maret 2009, bergaya hidup sederhana, dan kebetulan penghobi Blog
Tujuan ikut Lomba Pertamina BlogContest adalah mencoba mengasah kemampuan saya dalam dunia blogging serta kemampuan dalam hal SEO.

HOBI BISNIS, itulah blog pertama yang saya buat, yang terinspirasi dari dua buah kata Hobi yang bilamana dikembangkan bisa dijadikan Bisnis. Blog ini sendiri bukan sebuah Blog yang berisi tentang bisnis, akan tetapi Blog ini berisis tentang atikel, wacana, tutorial,tip,trik, dalam dunia Blogging yang bertujuan pemberitahuan pada pembaca bahwa hobi dalam dunia online,Blog,internet,komputer, dapat dijadikan bisnis. Dan salah satu artikel tips dalam Blog ini adalah cara mendaftarkanBlog ke search engine , yang mana mendaftarkan Search Engine ini merupakan dasar untuk memulai belajar SEO ( Search Engine Optimation )




Kerja Keras adalah Energi Kita (Hard Work is Our Energy), Sebuah rangkaian kata yang sangat bermakna, itulah tema yang di usung contest BLOG,bila kita renungi lebih akan mengandung arti, tanpa kerja keras, kita tidak ber-energi atau dengan arti lain dengan kerja keras (Hard Work) kita akan mempunyai energi (Our Energy) yang cukup besar. Sebuah tema sangat bagus yang diusung pertamina dalam kontes Blog ini, dimana Pertamina yang mulai menunjukkan eksistensinya dengan kerja keras, yang saat ini banyak kritikan dan krisis kepercayaan dari masyarakat dengan kinerjanya yang diakibatkan kebijakan-kebijakan pihak Pertamina yang tidak berjalan dengan semestinya,salah satu kebijakan adalah konversi minyak tanah ke Gas LPG. Dengan mengusung tema Kerja Keras Adalah Energi Kita (Hard Work is Our Energy) berharap Pertamina dapat memperbaiki kepercayaan kembali dari masyarakat Indonesia dan mulai membenahi kinerjanya.
Dengan Kerja keras sangatlah mungkin Pertamina dapat menata kembali dan mencukupi kebutuhan minyak dan gas bagi masyarakat dengan semestinya,sehingga krisis kepercayaan pun akan segera terhapus dan masyarakat dapat kembali merasakan ketenangan terhadap kebutuhan minyak dan gas,karena tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa minyak dan gas merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat vital bagi masyarakat, yang bila mana kebutuhan minyak dan gas untuk masyarakat sedikit bermasalah akan berimbas sangat besar dalam kehidupan ekonominya.
Semoga dengan tema Kerja Keras Adalah Energi Kita
(Hard Work is Our Energy) dari pertamina dapat diaplikasikan dalam kinerjanya sehingga masyarakat tidak lagi dilanda kebingungan akan kebutuhan minyak dan gas,betapa sangat vitalnya minyak dan gas bagi masyarakat seperti pada kondisi sekarang ini banyak terjadi antrian pembelian minyak tanah, yang mana saat ini sangat sulit untuk mendapatkannya,ini diakibatkan kebijakan pihak Pertamina untuk konversi minyak tanah ke gas LPG kurang berjalan dengan semestinya, serta masyarakat yang belum memahami akan kebijakan tersebut dan sering terlambatnya suplai minyak dan gas dari pihak Pertamina, sehingga masyarakat harus rela antri membeli demi mendapatkan minyak dan gas untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari.
Antrian pembelian minyak tanah dan Gas LPG yang berarti dengan kekurangan suplai minyak dan Gas LPG membuat masyarakat menjadi resah akan kebutuhannya. Semoga dari keadaan sekarang membuat pertamina lebih kerja keras dalam meningkatkan kinerjanya dan menata lebih baik terhadap kebijakan atau programnya, sehingga pihak pertamina bisa mencukupi dan memperbaiki akan kebutuhan minyak dan Gas bagi masyarakat.
Begitupun diri kita, tanpa kerja keras tidak akan mungkin cita-cita atau keinginan akan dapat terwujud, sehingga diharapkan tema Kerja Keras Adalah Energi kita
(Hard Work is Our Energy) tidak hanya baerlaku untuk Pertamina saja ,akan tetapi ditanamkan juga pada diri kita masing-masing, sehingga kesejahteraan kita terutama dari sektor ekonomi akan menjadi lebih baik.Dengan meningkatnya kesejahteraan, berarti juga secara tidak langsung membantu pertamina dan pemerintah untuk meringankan subsidi minyak dan Gas untuk dikonsumsi masyarakat Indonesia.
Semoga Pertamina Berhasil meningkatkan kinerjanya,semoga Pertamina berhasil dalam program konversi minyak tanah ke Gas LPG sehingga kebutuhan minyak dan Gas untuk masyarakat dapat terpenuhi, semoga juga ini menjadi awal untuk Negara Indonesia Sejahtera.

Maju terus Pertamina, semoga tema Kerja Keras Adalah Energi Kita
(Hard Work is Our Energy) merupakan awal keberhasilan Pertamina dan semoga Pertamina lebih ber-Energi dan PASTI PAS!!

Salam Blogger
My profil: Andi Malik Rossi darmawan, itulah nama panjangku, dan biasa dipanggil "ROSSI" asliku PONOROGO, saya adalah seorang BLOGGER pemula yang memulai mencoba terjun di dunia Blog bulan Maret 2009, bergaya hidup sederhana, dan kebetulan penghobi Blog
Tujuan ikut
Lomba Pertamina BlogContest adalah mencoba mengasah kemampuan saya dalam dunia blogging serta kemampuan dalam hal SEO.
HOBI BISNIS, itulah blog pertama yang saya buat, yang terinspirasi dari dua buah kata Hobi yang bilamana dikembangkan bisa dijadikan Bisnis. Blog ini sendiri bukan sebuah Blog yang berisi tentang bisnis, akan tetapi Blog ini berisis tentang atikel, wacana, tutorial,tip,trik, dalam dunia Blogging yang bertujuan pemberitahuan pada pembaca bahwa hobi dalam dunia online,Blog,internet,komputer, dapat dijadikan bisnis. Dan salah satu artikel tips dalam Blog ini adalah cara mendaftarkanBlog ke search engine , yang mana mendaftarkan Search Engine ini merupakan dasar untuk memulai belajar SEO ( Search Engine Optimation )




Kerja Keras adalah Energi Kita (Hard Work is Our Energy), Sebuah rangkaian kata yang sangat bermakna, itulah tema yang di usung contest BLOG,bila kita renungi lebih akan mengandung arti, tanpa kerja keras, kita tidak ber-energi atau dengan arti lain dengan kerja keras (Hard Work) kita akan mempunyai energi (Our Energy) yang cukup besar. Sebuah tema sangat bagus yang diusung pertamina dalam kontes Blog ini, dimana Pertamina yang mulai menunjukkan eksistensinya dengan kerja keras (Hard Work), yang saat ini banyak kritikan dan krisis kepercayaan dari masyarakat dengan kinerjanya yang diakibatkan kebijakan-kebijakan pihak Pertamina yang tidak berjalan dengan semestinya,salah satu kebijakan adalah konversi minyak tanah ke Gas LPG. Dengan mengusung tema Kerja Keras Adalah Energi Kita (Hard Work is Our Energy) (Hard Work is Our Energy) berharap Pertamina dapat memperbaiki kepercayaan kembali dari masyarakat Indonesia dan mulai membenahi kinerjanya.
Dengan Kerja keras sangatlah mungkin Pertamina dapat menata kembali dan mencukupi kebutuhan minyak dan gas bagi masyarakat dengan semestinya,sehingga krisis kepercayaan pun akan segera terhapus dan masyarakat dapat kembali merasakan ketenangan terhadap kebutuhan minyak dan gas,karena tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa minyak dan gas merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat vital bagi masyarakat, yang bila mana kebutuhan minyak dan gas untuk masyarakat sedikit bermasalah akan berimbas sangat besar dalam kehidupan ekonominya.
Semoga dengan tema Kerja Keras Adalah Energi Kita (Hard Work is Our Energy) dari pertamina dapat diaplikasikan dalam kinerjanya sehingga masyarakat tidak lagi dilanda kebingungan akan kebutuhan minyak dan gas,seperti pada gambar dibawah,betapa sangat vitalnya minyak dan gas bagi masyarakat seperti pada kondisi sekarang ini banyak terjadi antrian pembelian minyak tanah(seperti pada gambar dibawah) yang mana saat ini sangat sulit untuk mendapatkannya,ini diakibatkan kebijakan pihak Pertamina untuk konversi minyak tanah ke gas LPG kurang berjalan dengan semestinya, serta masyarakat yang belum memahami akan kebijakan tersebut dan sering terlambatnya suplai minyak dan gas dari pihak Pertamina, sehingga masyarakat harus rela antri membeli demi mendapatkan minyak dan gas untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari.

Antrian pembelian minyak dan Gas yang berarti dengan kekurangan suplai minyak dan Gas membuat masyarakat menjadi resah akan kebutuhannya. Semoga dari contoh diatas membuat pertamina lebih kerja keras dalam meningkatkan kinerjanya dan menata lebih baik terhadap kebijakan atau programnya, sehingga pihak pertamina bisa mencukupi dan memperbaiki akan kebutuhan minyak dan Gas bagi masyarakat.
Begitupun diri kita, tanpa kerja keras tidak akan mungkin cita-cita atau keinginan akan dapat terwujud, sehingga diharapkan tema Kerja Keras Adalah Energi kita
(Hard Work is Our Energy) tidak hanya baerlaku untuk Pertamina saja ,akan tetapi ditanamkan juga pada diri kita masing-masing, sehingga kesejahteraan kita terutama dari sektor ekonomi akan menjadi lebih baik.Dengan meningkatnya kesejahteraan, berarti juga secara tidak langsung membantu pertamina dan pemerintah untuk meringankan subsidi minyak dan Gas untuk dikonsumsi masyarakat Indonesia.
Semoga Pertamina Berhasil meningkatkan kinerjanya,semoga Pertamina berhasil dalam program konversi minyak tanah ke Gas LPG sehingga kebutuhan minyak dan Gas untuk masyarakat dapat terpenuhi, semoga juga ini menjadi awal untuk Negara Indonesia Sejahtera.

Maju terus Pertamina, semoga tema Kerja Keras Adalah Energi Kita
(Hard Work is Our Energy) merupakan awal keberhasilan Pertamina dan semoga Pertamina lebih ber-Energi dan PASTI PAS!!

Salam Blogger
My profil: Andi Malik Rossi darmawan, itulah nama panjangku, dan biasa dipanggil "ROSSI" asliku PONOROGO, saya adalah seorang BLOGGER pemula yang memulai mencoba terjun di dunia Blog bulan Maret 2009, bergaya hidup sederhana, dan kebetulan penghobi Blog
Tujuan ikut
Lomba Pertamina BlogContest adalah mencoba mengasah kemampuan saya dalam dunia blogging serta kemampuan dalam hal SEO (Hard Work is Our Energy).
HOBI BISNIS, itulah blog pertama yang saya buat, yang terinspirasi dari dua buah kata Hobi yang bilamana dikembangkan bisa dijadikan Bisnis. Blog ini sendiri bukan sebuah Blog yang berisi tentang bisnis, akan tetapi Blog ini berisis tentang atikel, wacana, tutorial,tip,trik, dalam dunia Blogging yang bertujuan pemberitahuan pada pembaca bahwa hobi dalam dunia online,Blog,internet,komputer, dapat dijadikan bisnis. Dan salah satu artikel tips dalam Blog ini adalah cara mendaftarkanBlog ke search engine , yang mana mendaftarkan Search Engine ini merupakan dasar untuk memulai belajar SEO ( Search Engine Optimation )


Saturday, April 4, 2009


Affiliate marketing entails promoting other people or company's product or services through your website or blog for a commission. This means that you need a lot of publicity to achieve this, by creating awareness of the existence of your website or blog to internet visitor or surfers. This awareness will in turn attract a lot of visitors to your site. The process of moving people to your site is known as traffic generation.
Traffic generation seems to be the most difficult aspect of affiliate marketing, because the more visitors you pull to your site , the more likelihood that you will generate more sales or more clicks and this is the only way of earning money in affiliate marketing.

How then do we do this? There are many techniques in traffic generation, but their application differs from one affiliate marketer to another. Some of the techniques are explained below. You can use a combination of all or use that which is convenient and better for your affiliate market.

1. Use of Forums

Forum is a kind of online community, where people of common interest come together to share ideas, discuss prevailing issues, share problems and proffer solutions. Sharing your opinion and contributing positively to issue at hand will makes forum members have confidence in you, what you need do is to direct them your website for more information, this you achieve by leaving a link to your website at any contribution you made.

2. Article Writing

You can also entice people to your website or blog by writing quality articles, so that each time they visit they will want to come back and making sure that you write fresh articles frequently and these articles should be related

to your website or blog. You can also submit articles to other websites and at the bottom always include the link to your website. Newspaper and magazines should not be left out; submit your articles to them for publication. This will also expose you and your web

3. Email Advertising

This technique need a lot of caution, for over use of this system might lead to spamming and this is an internet crime. So be careful with your use of this method, making your website known through the use of email, is by sending email to address known and unknown and those you come across from any source. It pays well if properly and diligently used.

4. Advertising Trough

Placing advert on targeted market magazine/newspaper helps a lot in creating awareness cum pull visitors to your website.

5. Use of Business Cards

This can be use in traffic generation by giving out business cards at seminars, church, fund raising ceremonies and any other function. You don't know who is who; the man you think is a church man might be a real internet marketer.

6. Advert through Pay-Per-Click

It pays a lot to subscribe to adverting in pay-pay-click websites; it helps to generate a lot of traffic to your website because these pay-pay-click sites have a lot of visitors. It helps in pushing more traffic to your website.

7. Use of Free Gift

Giving people free gift like free e-books e.t.c will pull a lot of people to your website, people like free gift a lot and they always take the bait.

8. Search Engines

Submitting your site to a lot of search engines increases the chance of getting more people to visit your website.

Applying all or most of these techniques will increase the chances of pulling more visitors to your website or blog.


The good and the bad of Blogging

To say that blogging is popular on the Internet is an understatement. In fact, the popularity of blogging stems from the fact that everyone with an Internet connection can start posting blogs and it is perhaps the easiest way of having your comments and opinions read all over the world. Everyone from politicians to journalists to actors to housewives are keeping blogs that give an insight into their lives and thoughts.

Of course, business-related and corporate blogs are also growing in popularity given the fact that it is a cost-effective and efficient way of communicating with various stakeholders. Most people, however, take for granted that blogging is a good idea and more often than not it is. But like everything else there is a flip side to blogging also. Especially when we are talking about corporate blogging, it is a sensitive thing because things like business image and customer and employee relations come into the picture. So it would be a good idea to work out what exactly you want to get out of our business blog before you start it off.

For starters, it is important that you decide what kind of a blog you are going to start off. Keep in mind that a personal blog is very different from a business blog. For one thing, a personal blog can be freer with its content in the sense that the individual does not really have to answer to anyone vis-a-vis the views and comments that are expressed on the blog. But the same is not true for a business blog. The content that is posted up on your business blogs could have a direct relation to your business dealings. In a business blog, it might not necessarily be appropriate to write in a casual manner, the way one would in a personal blog but, that again depends on the kind of blog that your company maintains.

The tricky part when it comes to business blogs is how you are going to regulate the kind of information that is going up. The nature of blogs is that it is a space where views and opinions can be expressed freely and by that logic everyone can say what they want on the blog. Now if this is a blog that your clients and other stakeholders can read, is that going to be a good or bad thing for your business image? At the same time, who all in your business are going to have the authority to post blogs. Is it just the top management or the owner or all the employees of the firm? These are issues that you need to consider carefully before you start up a business blog.

Another possible problem with confusing the role of business blogs and personal blogs is the amount of personal information that could find its way to a business blog. This does not necessarily have to be a bad thing for a corporate blog but, once again, you have to keep the objective of your blog in mind even if it is as simple as providing an open channel of communication for the organization. Your corporate blog should have an objective in mind and ideally each blog posting should be aimed towards fulfilling that objective.

As mentioned earlier, one of the reasons that blogs became so popular so quickly was because it is such a convenient and quick way of communicating information. That still remains one of the biggest advantages of blogging. An organization that decides to have a corporate blog is opening up an extra channel of communication for its members. The blog can be used as a tool for two way communication so that information can flow freely throughout the organization. This kind of open communication can go along way in boosting employee morale also. Knowing that there is a channel of communication that is open for everyone and will also be taken seriously is an empowering feeling.

Once again, the speed factor of blogging cannot be forgotten. Within a second of having typed out and uploading a post, other members of the blog can view it. Considering the fact that there are many organizations that work at a global level and have stakeholders spread all around the world, this type of communication is a quick and economical way of keeping everyone up-to-date about the happenings in the organization.

Needless to say, blogging is a great way of communicating. In fact it lets you do things that were unheard of earlier. But as a business owner you need to keep in mind that blogs also have pros and cons to them. It is definitely a good idea to have a corporate blog that can really improve an organization’s communication channels but, at the same time, you need to decide what kind of outcome you have in mind from this kind of communication so that the system for blogging you put into place adds to your overall goals.


Friday, April 3, 2009


Fixing corrupted partitions on is a risky business. Even if you use the best data recovery tools and are absolutely sure in your actions, you are still risking your data shall something go wrong. Changes made to the damaged disk are irreversible; it is simply too easy to destroy an important disk structure containing essential information about your disk, files and data. Bottom line: it pays to backup before performing disk recovery. But is this really the best way to do it?

There is a different way to do data recovery that is even safer. No need to backup and restore during the recovery. Instead of making a backup copy of corrupted files, you can simply make a complete snapshot of the disk being repaired, and try the recovery with different settings as many times as you need on this snapshot instead of the real disk.

SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor by is one of a few data recovery products that allow recovering a binary image of a damaged hard drive instead of repairing the hard drive directly. The data recovery tool lets you create an image of the damaged partition, and works with the snapshot instead of the real thing. The snapshot is a large file stored on another hard disk, CD, DVD or other media. The technology is similar to making an .iso image of a CD or DVD disc, only SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor extends it to partitions or even entire disks.

The partition copy may be virtual, but any data you save from it is for real. SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor can recover your files, documents and other data from the snapshot and put it on a healthy media. After that, you can attempt recovering the damaged system structures of the corrupted partition without taking any risk at all. Any modifications will be performed on the virtual snapshot.

Don't rush the recovery. Don't take the risk of losing or damaging your data. Create a binary image of the partition being repaired, and work on that image instead of accessing the corrupted partition. This procedure keeps your original data safe, and ensures the highest level of safety during the recovery process.

SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor recovers files from damaged and corrupted disks and partitions and fixes corrupted partitions. The recovery tool supports all 32-bit versions of Windows, and fixes FAT and NTFS formatted hard disks, memory cards, CD and DVD media, and USB flash drives. Read more...

5 Simple Ways to Speed Up Your PC

There are many ways to improve computer performance, from hardware upgrades to editing the Registry. But upgrading hardware can be quite expensive and editing the Windows Registry can seriously harm your computer if you do something wrong. In this article I’ve focused on simple and safe tweaks that will not cause any trouble and will make your computer run faster.

1) Speed Up Windows Explorer

Sometimes starting Windows Explorer can take a while. This is because Windows automatically looks for network files, shared network folders, and devices when you start Windows Explorer. It is possible to make it open faster by changing the settings:

Open Windows Explorer
Click on Tools menu
Then click on Folder Options
Click on the View tab
Find Automatically search for network folders and printers check box and uncheck it
Click Apply, then click OK
Reboot your PC

From now on Windows Explorer will start faster, as it will no longer automatically search for network files, shared folders, and devices in the network.

2) Optimize Appearance Settings

We all are used to how Windows XP looks. But actually its visual effects waste system resources. The graphics card is not the only one that has to deal with it - the CPU and the memory are affected as well. Windows Vista graphics are even more advanced and can dramatically slow down your PC, especially if your computer is not one of the latest and the fastest ones.

Luckily there is a way to configure Windows XP for best performance by reducing the effects in the graphical user interface. This will free up RAM and increase computer speed. To configure Windows XP for maximum performance do the following:

Go to Start - Settings and select Control Panel
In the Control Panel, click System and then Advanced tab
In the Performance Options window select Adjust for best performance
Click OK to confirm and close the window

This will turn off all visual effects, which is good for less powerful PCs and laptops. However, if you would like Windows XP to look more like what you’re used to, leave the following boxes ticked:

Show shadows under menus
Show shadows under mouse pointer
Show translucent selection rectangle
Use drop shadows for icons labels on the desktop
Use visual styles on windows and buttons

3) Uninstall Unused Device Drivers

Once you have uninstalled a device, it’s a good idea to remove any device drivers that were left behind. Otherwise those drivers will still be using valuable system resources. Here is why this happens.

When you install a device, you also install its drivers and they get called each time you boot up your PC. And even when the device has been removed, but the drivers are still there, your system continues to load them at boot up. What a waste of resources!

If you have Windows XP, follow these steps to remove any unwanted device drivers:

Press the Windows key + the Break key on your keyboard. System Properties box will appear
Select the Advanced tab

Click Environmental Variables
Under System Variables click New
In the variable box type devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices
Type 1 in the Variable value text box
Click OK to return to the System Properties box
Click OK again
Go to the Device Manager tab
Click View - Show hidden devices

Then you will need to expand all the branches and look for washed out icons. Those icons show unused device drivers that you can uninstall.

Once you have found a device driver you wish to uninstall, highlight it, right-click it, and choose Remove. Delete only washed out icons. All the other icons show drivers of connected and used devices. If you delete them, your devices will stop functioning properly.

4) Remove Software You Don’t Need

One more way to speed up your PC is to check what software you have installed and see if you need all the applications or not. To do this click Start - Settings - Control Panel - double-click Add/Remove Programs.

Most likely you will find programs you’ve used only once or twice. Removing them will free up disk space and make your PC run faster.

When Uninstalling Software Fails

Uninstalling software doesn’t always go as smooth as one hopes it would. A very common problem is that some programs don’t remove all their data completely, thus leaving some files behind. These files are called junk files.

Sometimes you have to uninstall the software trial version in order to register the full version. But if the uninstall process is not complete, you might fail to register the program that you have paid for.

If the uninstaller doesn’t work, it may be possible to remove the software manually. This means that you will need to remove all related files and configuration data from your hard disk. Usually software uses the Windows Registry to store configuration information.

Firstly, you will need to find the folder where the program was installed. Most likely it’s the Program Files directory. Locate the software folder and delete it. If it’s impossible to delete some files, try restarting your computer. This will help if the files were used by the system. If you can’t delete the files even after a restart, try booting in Safe Mode (tap F8 during PC boot) and then delete the files.

After that you will need to remove invalid Registry entries. Microsoft offers a free Windows Installer CleanUp Utility to help you do the job. After you’ve installed and opened it, select an application you wish to uninstall from the list. The utility will remove all registry entries related to that software. Double check what applications you select and also backup the Registry in case something goes wrong.

If running Windows Installer CleanUp Utility does not solve the problem, you can use a third party registry cleaner. Be careful and only use well-known software that has received positive reviews and trustworthy awards. There are lots of programs that claim to be great, but in fact they contain malware and spyware, and can damage your computer.

Another way to uninstall software without having to worry about the Registry is to use a software uninstaller. Program uninstallers track down and remove all application-related components from your system, thus ensuring that the software gets completely uninstalled.

Auslogics BoostSpeed contains both an uninstaller and a registry cleaner, plus lots of other useful tools to optimize and protect your system. You can download it from

5) Disable Indexing Services

The Indexing Services use large amounts of RAM and can often make a computer pretty slow and loud. This service indexes and updates lists of all the files that are on your computer in order to enable you to search for the files and folders faster. To tell you the truth, this service is not really needed and you can safely disable it.


Code and XHTML Rules

In future time, through all coming coding standards, let the developer, who may write code in any development environment, observe the XHTML rules which W3C has written in their white papers. Let the developer not alter the rules which W3C has given, the standards which W3C has enacted, the wording, let him not change. If such a developer has logic and is able to keep his code error free, he shall observe the XHTML rules, which W3C has decided upon. Let him write his applications, utilize correct syntax, debug his code, and comment his lines accordingly; and by so doing, grant order to all his projects. –a warning in the absolute style of Hammurabi for developers tempted to violate XHTML rules.

From the Ten Commandments to the Prime Directive, men are forever binding themselves with rules in order to attain higher standard of life. Some sets of laws are complex, some simple. Some onerous, some easy to follow. Around 1760 BC a Babylonian king named Hammurabi instituted one of the earliest and most famous attempts at standardization: Hammurabi’s Code. A few straightforward themes jump out of the chiseling of this early Mesopotamian standard for justice:

1. It is strict. Punishment was severe, often meted out in the form of death by drowning or burning. Subjects might be considered fortunate to lose an eye for an eye—even if you’re driver’s license doesn’t specifically state that you’re an organ donor. Needless to say, legal loopholes were few. Having a good lawyer didn’t count nearly as much as having as having a good doctor.

2. It was designed for the good of the community. Despite the personally destructive effects on recipients of this barbaric punishment, Hammurabi’s Code was intended to produce a more orderly and safe society. Babylonian society prospered during the period of Hammurabi and for some time afterwards.

XHTML is the Hammurabi’s code of Internet programming languages, but you still get to keep your fingers if you mistype code. Developers may get away with as little punishment as an error message. But like Hammurabi’s code, XHTML rules formulated by the W3C can “bring low those who were high, humble the proud, and expel insolence.” Developers can be a proud folk and quickly humbled by a user who discovers that their code doesn’t validate.

Markup languages have evolved over the years. You might be surprised to know that XHTML (extensible hypertext markup language) is not as austere as its patriarchal father, SGML. XHTML is simply HTML reformulated to conform to XML standards. This extreme HTML requires that your documents (web pages that you create) must follow the core rules below in order to be considered well-formed. As with HTML, always use a DTD (document type declaration) at the beginning of a document to declare to browsers the type of markup you are using. An XHTML 1.0 Transitional DTD may look like this:

XHTML Tags are case sensitive. Write XHTML tags in lower case


All XHTML open tags must be closed

With HTML, web browsers sometimes let you get away with leaving off a closing tag. With XHTML, container tags like

must be closed.

Empty XHTML tags must end with a trailing slash

Tags (not attributes) such as
should be written as

XHTML attributes must be quoted as in this example for the image border:

XHTML tags must be properly nested

Incorrect XHTML nesting example:


Correct XHTML nesting example:


You can check your own XHTML coded pages to see if they are valid using the W3C’s HTML validator. If it’s valid, you can put a cute little button on your page to certifying to your visitors that you have written valid XHTML code. Of course, it’s an ego booster for you as well. To get the full details of XHTML markup rules, check out the W3C web site markup page here:


Friday, March 27, 2009

How to write a CV

Each section of your CV – the work history, achievements, level of education, skills and so on – should stand out on its own merits. However, using a CV profile, personal profile, career objective summary or a competency statement is an effective way of ensuring that the purpose of your CV is absolutely clear to the reader from its very beginning.
When prepared correctly, a personal profile adds real value to a CV. Conversely, when it is inadequately planned and poorly written it can instantly disqualify you.
So how you go about ensuring your CV hits home?
First of all, it is helpful to understand the terminology. A personal profile can indeed be called precisely that and you can create a section at the very head of your CV which is entitled 'Profile'. Please note that calling it 'Personal Profile' is superfluous and unnecessary. In this profile you would display some or all of the following elements:
- A brief prose summary of your career, with particular emphasis on your current activities.
- A list of competency statements. A competency statement is a short description of your experience with a particular skill or employment function - e.g. sales knowledge, financial knowledge, technical knowledge, organizational skills, motivational skills, leadership qualities, etc. Save details for the CV by keeping the competency statements as brief as possible.
- A career objective statement - i.e. what you want to do and how your previous work experience or education prepared you for it. The career objective statement can be as precise or as general as you like and it will usually depend on the type of position you are applying for.
Any or all of the three elements above could be combined under a general profile header. Alternatively, you could split them up into discrete sections. In either case, remember to save the detail for later inclusion in your CV.
The key to making a personal summary work lies in closely analyzing an employer's requirements and mapping out your experience, skills and objectives onto these as precisely as possible. Using responsive language - i.e. feeding back to employers the same language and terms they themselves used - is one of the most important ingredients in constructing a winning CV profile.
For more information on how to write a CV and CV profile preferred by 93% of recruits and Employers, visit the CV Profile specialists. Read more...

I Just Finished an Interview – Now What? Best Post-interview Strategies

You worked hard to get an interview, you researched the company and you presented yourself well to the hiring manager. You left the interview feeling confident. Now what?

There are important professional steps you need to take whether you left the interview feeling like this would be the right next step in your career or not. If you want the position, you need to make sure the hiring manager knows you do and is strongly considering your qualifications and potential contribution. If you don’t feel this is the right position for you, make sure you have appropriate closure with the company to keep your professional reputation intact. Following are important steps you need to take if you do want the position:

Follow-up Steps
Interview Assessment

  • The interview assessment is your analysis of how the interview went.
  • Right after the interview, grab a pen and pad and write down what you think went well, and what you think needed some more clarification while it’s fresh in your mind
  • Write down things you wish you had said, or questions you may have that you didn’t ask.
  • You’ll need this information for your follow up correspondence.

If you are working with a recruiter call them soon after your interview:

  • Report how the interview went while it’s fresh in your head
  • If you want the job , your recruiter can help position you as the leading candidate, so they need to know what you think impressed the hiring manager during the interview. For example, if the hiring manager was interested in hearing more about your writing skills, furnish samples to your recruiter so they can provide themto the interviewer as a follow-up reinforcement.
  • If you don’t want the job, the recruiter can help you bring the opportunity to closure and consider you for other positions.

Thank you note
It’s pretty standard knowledge that a thank you note is a vital part of the interviewing process, but what is unclear is what should be in the note. Merely thanking someone for interviewing you does nothing more than show that you are polite. What you want to do is reinforce why they need to hire you.

First things first, make sure you have the correct spelling and title for everyone you met with. It is acceptable to send your letter via email for quickest delivery or you can mail it as long as you send it right away so they receive it before they have made a decision. Make sure you either type the letter with a handwritten signature or that you have clear handwriting and that the stationary is professional with a matching envelope.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Send a letter for each person you met during your interview.
  • Personalize and customize each letter to relate to that particular interview.
  • Express interest in the position – enthusiasm and passion for the position is a strong selling point. The assumption is that since they brought you in for the interview, you have the qualifications on paper. The interview is to gauge your personality fit with the company and just as important, your passion and excitement for the position. That is what makes you stand out from other candidates.
  • Reinforce what you can contribute to the company. Remember that the interviewer wants to know what you can do for them. Discussing quantifiable results you have produced for previous employers gives them a greater ability to project your potential contribution than just a solid employment track record and great personality.
  • Highlight additional information regarding a question you feel you didn’t answer strongly enough. It’s okay to say "upon further reflection…" or "In thinking back on the interview, I’d like to provide clarification on…." It shows that you are reflective and thorough.
  • Always close the letter with the next step in mind such as "I look forward to the next step in the process, let me know if I can provide additional information about me that will help move the process forward."
  • Don’t forget to include your contact information.
  • Keep the letter concise and use bullet points where appropriate.
  • If you were referred to the company by someone you networked with, also send a thank you letter to them to let them know about the interview. They may even follow up on your behalf with the interviewer.

Follow up call

  • Assuming at the end of the interview you asked when you can expect to hear something, you will know that if you haven’t heard anything by then, it’s an appropriate time to follow up.
  • If you are working with a recruiter, check with them to see if they or you should make a follow up call if you haven’t heard back yet.
  • If you are independently interviewing, and you don’t have an expectation of when you should hear back, place the follow up call to ask where in the process they are haven’t heard back a week after your last contact. At that time, you should have something specific to say. Ask if they need to know any additional information to help with the decision-making process and reiterate your interest.

Getting the interview was an accomplishment. Presenting yourself as a strong candidate at the interview was another. The last thing you want to do is drop the ball before closing the deal. Follow up on every interview with as much professionalism as you showed to get the interview and you are sure to impress.


How To Impress The Recruitment Agency And How To Deal With Interviews

When you've finished refining your CV for a particular role and you’ve composed an introductory letter or email to the firm or recruitment agency, read it back to yourself and ask "Would I want to meet/interview me?" What stands out as good or bad? What catches your attention and makes you want to read more? Is it relevant to the role(s) you are interested in? Ask an impartial friend to do the same.

Once you’re happy with this, send an email and follow up with a call. If this is to an agency, always clearly state which job you’re interested in or which types of jobs, if you’re not applying for a specific one.

Think about how you come across in person. There’s been research that states that interview decisions are made within the first two to thirty seconds. The rest of the interview is just somebody justifying their initial decision. So it’s a "gut feel" decision that may occur even before you shake hands. This applies when meeting recruiters too as they will be recommending you. For interviews, it’s all about preparation. Learn about your client/recruiter – how they communicate, how they dress, how they look. When you talk to them, watch their body movements. What’s the tone they use? What’s the speed they use to talk? You can also do that with their written communication – their website, annual reports, and press releases. The key to all this is communicating to your audience, so that it seems like you already work there.

Be honest, be yourself, but be specific about your experience and use examples. If you have experience in Further Education or Youth jobs and it’s directly related to the one you are applying for, demonstrate that with specific experience. Don’t talk too much and ensure you take time to listen and don’t interrupt! Show them you’ve done your research and why you are a good match for each other. Practice any potentially tough questions that may come up, as well as having some to ask them in return. Think about asking more interesting questions as opposed to self-serving ones such as ‘What’s the holiday allowance?’

Keep in regular contact with any agencies you are working with – make it easy for them to reach you, ensure they have all the information they need and that it is up to date. Ask an agency for feedback on your CV and also your approach and take on board their comments. This helps you and builds rapport with them. Also, be specific about your needs, be approachable and available and respond quickly. However, try to avoid the stalking routine of calling or emailing every hour! That isn’t helpful or welcome. Read more...

Gain the Know-How You Need to Do the Work-At-Home Job Search Successfully

Researching for legitimate work from home or what is most commonly known as "telecommuting positions", can be a difficult task and may open up some risk factors you are unaware of. To be successful at this you should know a few things up-front, as well as bona fide resources online that have more of a potential to start you off on the right foot, and in the right direction.

Telecommuting positions are projects such as freelance writing, "genuine" data entry assignments (not survey taking), full time or part time independent contractual work in many different fields, web design and/or content management

, customer service with inbound or outbound calling (most popular), sales and even employment with health insurance, dental coverage (NOT discount benefits), and even 401K, that the work can be performed from your home office.

This can also be described as a non-traditional type of work (NOT multi-level marketing, network marketing or direct sales = you pay to join a company to work), meaning you won’t be required to work at the companies location or office. You’ll be given the opportunity to work from your home instead.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of what this article is about we can now get into "how-to" search for authentic jobs online, all while avoiding scams, bait and switch offers, misleading MLM advertisements … etc.

Searching the Internet for legitimate work at home jobs (telecommuting position):

One of my most favorite authors and Information providers on the subject is Rat Race Rebellion. From this resource many people have learned how to do some pretty basic searches on Google for work at home jobs. They call it "Google Your Way to Telework Job Leads" on their website.

They offer very basic keyword phrases including the quotations that offer decent results on Google. What others have learned from this section of their site and also implementing their own creativity is you can find a variety of opportunities online once you know what to look for.

Using quotations in your search on Google will provide specific feedback on that keyword phrase alone. So for instance if you were searching for medical transcription work at home jobs you might consider searching with quotations.

For example:

"medical transcriptionist needed"
"seeking experienced medical transcribers"

These search results and providing the quotes before and after your keyword phrase will bring up all of those words in that order on each result, thus providing you with a much more narrowed result that may be more specific to what you are searching for.

Go give it a try on Google and see what I mean. Then come back and continue reading.

Now you aren’t only limited to Try the following websites for even better results that are pulled from all over the Internet and job related only.


How to Identify Those Red Flags:

The most popular misrepresentation of a classified ad I’ve seen showering down on the Internet is an ad from a health benefits (non-insurance) MLM company affiliates.

The ad reads that they are looking for a Regional Sales Director, a Health Benefits Specialist, and I’ve even seen "Professional Recruiters Needed" title to the advertisement.

The title "implies" legitimacy and professionalism when rightfully it’s a ploy to get you to read on.

The creator of the advertisement means to draw you in with stating they offer you health benefits, daily pay and bonuses, which sounds good, but what they don’t tell you when you sign up for the "telephone interview" is that you will have to pay to join this multi-level marketing business.

To some that is viewed as a bait and switch and often not appreciated once the applicant finds out they must pay to join this business.

Now I’m not saying whatsoever that the MLM industry isn’t worth getting into, but I am saying that you need to be aware of what you are applying for and what it is you truly are willing to do to earn money from home.

Most don’t appreciate ads that subtly imply they are an employer.

For the MLM or direct sales industry it is always strongly suggested to gain some sales experience or outside training before committing to any monthly expenses in this field.

More advice:

If the advertisement doesn’t offer direct contact information, such as an email address (, not or or preferably a website or contact number it may not be worth handing out your personal resume with your contact information.

If you choose to apply to such an ad that offers no or little contact information, just reply asking for additional information "before" you hand over your private details.

In addition you can often find reasonably level headed discussion on work at home leads by visiting the popular forum.

The bottom line is your research into a company should be the first on your mind. Although more and more companies and individuals are hiring people to work from home and the industry itself is becoming more recognized as a legitimate way of earning money, it’s always a good idea to keep your wits about you before you apply and accept a job offer from a stranger or unknown company.


Improve Surfing Balance With an Indoor Board

Have you ever wanted to know what it was like to surf, but didn't have a beach near you? Now there is actually a way for you to do this. What you need, basically, is a cylinder and a board. You place the cylinder on the ground, put the board on the cylinder, and then get on the board and balance yourself in mid air. It sounds a little crazy, maybe even a little too simple, but there's actually a product available for this, and it's called an Indo Board. By standing on this board and balancing yourself in the air, you can learn to balance yourself just like you would need to do on a skate board or a surf board. You can use one of these indoor balance boards to improve your current skating, your current surfing, or to prepare to learn one or the other.

Balance Boards Offer Tons of New Tricks

However, people who have an indoor balance board are discovering that while it does enhance their skating and surfing, it's also a fun sport all on its own. There are many videos online that show people of all ages doing all kinds of tricks on their indoor board. From hanging ten, walking from one end to the other, to ollying, or popping the board up in the air and then landing on it - still balanced on the cylinder - there are many tricks that can be learned.

Improve Skating and Surfing Balance

The indoor balance board is great for everyone who wants to have some fun on a board, whether you already skate or surf, or if you just want to find out if you have what it takes to get started in those sports. With this board, you can now learn to balance a skate board or surf board without getting scraped up on pavement and without even getting wet. The indoor board can be mastered right in your own living room, and it's a lot of fun to play with even on those days when the surf is flat or when it's too rainy to skate. Read more...